Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Ciao Ellie!"

My host family wrote me an email a while back, but I have had no time to blog lately.
They wrote:

Ciao Ellie,
sono Federico.  Grazie per la tua mail, tutto ok.
Parliamo poco inglese, ma riusciremoa capirci senza problemi.
Scusami se ti rispondo solo ora, ma io e mia moglie stiamo traslocando in una casa piu'grande e abbiamo molte pratiche da sbrigare.
Ti prometto che nel weekend che ti scrivo una bella mail su di noi, cosi cominciamo a conoscerci meglio.
Federico, Alessandra e Filippo

My rough translation skills tell me that this means:

Hi Ellie,
I am Federico.  Thank you for your email, it is all ok.
We speak little English, but (and this is on par that I am not completely sure about) we will have no problem communicating.
Excuse me that I am responding alone, but my wife and I are moving into a larger house and we have many things to do.
I promise you that next weekend that I will write you a nicer email, (not sure about this part either) so that we will begin to know each other better.
Federico, Alessandra and Filippo

So that was a nice little email.  I wonder what they're new house is like.  I am considering calling them but I am not sure that I would be able to communicate.  I am very nervous about that..the new language and my ability to talk to them.

I might call them on Saturday though, because they sent that email a while ago, and although they promised, I have yet to get another email.

A few days ago we got my declaration of hospitality and last night we got my school papers, and the AFS guy called today about visas and told me to call them and tell them the situation and tell them that I have copies of the documents.  He said that they will eventually need the originals but sometimes they will start with the copies and move the process along, but sometimes they won't it depends on your consulate.  I hope ours will...I am getting very very nervous about my visa, I leave in 3 weeks!!

1 comment:

maggie frye said...

hi ellie!
Don't worry too much about the visa stuff- if it comes down to it and you show up at an embassy a few days before they will rush it and figure out a way. You must be so excited! I am so jealous of your historic city! I am DEFINITELY going to try to visit now!!!