Wednesday, June 4, 2008

three more months..

I have exactly three more months until I leave for Italy on September 3.  On this day, I will be going to New York to have an orientation, and then on September 4 I will be getting on a plane and going to Italy!
It's so exciting.  I still haven't gotten my host family.  I really hope they are nice and that we get along well.  I am beginning to be nervous about the whole idea of leaving.  I am scared that I won't like my family, I'm scared that I won't be able to communicate well enough to make friends, that I will come back and have lost all of my friends from the US (not on purpose, of course, just because people change and grow apart, and I will have been gone for 10 months). 

I am leaving everything that I know..for what?  I don't actually mean that and I know it, this is going to be an amazing experience and I'll always remember it and be glad that I did it..I just don't even know what I was thinking when I signed up.

Ahhh. ok well I'm going to bed now.

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